In our modern age, data is collected everywhere – from customer satisfaction reports to records of a website’s clicks per day – and airports are no exception. Just as with any other business, an airport’s success depends on its ability to use data analysis as a tool to innovate and keep in stride with the needs of customers.
Airports already have feedback at their fingertips in the form of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Records of KPIs include information such as the numbers of on-time departures, numbers of runway incursions, and the revenue per enplaned passenger. Unfortunately, many airports do not use KPIs to their highest potential.
The shear volume of data that airports hold can make useful analysis challenging. Efforts to manually analyze data through spreadsheets and other basic programs are slow and ineffective. Monthly data reports are simply not consistent enough to allow an airport to recognize patterns.
Data analysis must be preformed on a regular basis, in order to provide airports with enough accurate information to show trends. Taking advantage of KPIs through effective data analysis can prove to be enlightening, as airports gain the ability to identify problem zones or inefficiencies that may not be evident at first glance.
However, most airports do not have personnel on hand to analyze daily data inputs. Nonetheless, the task of arranging, monitoring, and analyzing data can be made efficient and simple, even without hiring data-analyzers – a switch to software can be the solution!
Data analysis software has the capacity to adapt to an airport’s individual needs, show trends, locate problem areas, and discover inefficiencies in the airport’s functions. Most importantly, software streamlines the data analysis, making the information easily accessible and usable by the airport; a spreadsheet of numbers and dates becomes a map pinpointing a problematic segment of the runway. A virtual Dashboard displays an airport’s data in a centralized and intuitive manner with maps, graphs, and charts. In other words, airports can observe, react, and fix problems faster, leading to increasing revenues and decreasing costs.
And the best news? Increased insight into the running of an airport allows for an all-around increase in efficiency, resulting in increased satisfaction for employers, employees, and customers alike.