Changing the Tide of the Battle with Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2)

Thu Feb 9 2023


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The Department of Defense (DoD) has launched several modernization initiatives across its branches to strengthen the nation’s defense in this technological era. A key strategy to fighting the wars of the future involves the modernization of its approach to commanding military forces. DoD officials have stated that the current command and control (C2) architecture is insufficient to meet the needs of the National Defense strategy (NDS). Officials argue that the existing C2 systems are not optimized for the speed, complexity, and lethality of future conflict. Additionally, the outdated system structures are an obstacle to their goal of leveraging new technologies. To combat these issues, the DoD has devised a concept, Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2), that will transform battlefield management in modern warfare.

What is JADC2?

JADC2 is the DoD’s concept to connect sensors from all military services and domains, including the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force, into a single network. As the Congressional Research Services notes, “JADC2 envisions providing a cloud-like environment for the joint force to share intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance data, transmitting across many communications networks, to enable faster decision-making.” This will provide warfighters with real-time situational awareness and actionable data. The data collected and processed from the sensors will enable warfighters to identify targets as well as the optimal unit and weapon to engage the target.

JADC2 Technologies

A wide range of technologies is needed to enable JADC2 capabilities. JADC2 will require the use of numerous Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) technologies. This includes advanced sensors, cyber resilient systems, and secure enterprise communications for data collection, processing, and dissemination. JADC2 will leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to accelerate decision-making. AI and ML provide rapid data processing, validation, distribution, analysis, and sharing to accelerate combat readiness. Secure cloud environments will provide a resilient infrastructure to support the above processes as well as facilitate ease of access to data.

Why is JADC2 important?

JADC2 is an essential framework that will enable commanders to keep pace with the complexity and speed of modern warfare. Currently, each military branch has disparate systems that do not communicate with each other. The DoD argues that future conflicts will involve all domains—air, land, sea, cyber, and space. Therefore, it is important for all military platforms to interface and communicate. The DoD also recognizes the need for better and faster decision-making to replace the current multiday process of sharing and analyzing data. JADC2 will provide seamless integration of these mission-critical systems. Commanders will have access to multi-domain operational data which will provide insights for rapid decision-making, enabling them to gain advantage and dominate the battlefield.

JADC2’s transformative approach enhances warfighting capabilities in the multi-domain battlespace. The military’s success in defending the nation against threats in the multi-domain battlespace will depend on its ability to collect, process, disseminate, and utilize data for rapid, informed decision-making. These capabilities will significantly improve visibility and control of the operational environment.

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